Main navigation Direction signs Motorway road signs Regulatory road signs Speed limits Warning signs Parking signs Information signs Bus and cycle signs Road works and temporary signs Low bridge & level crossing Other signs Give way to traffic on the major roadStop before crossing the traverse line on the road and ensure the way is clear before entering a major roadEnd of prohibition of goods vehicles exceeding the maximum gross weight indicated in a previous signArticulated vehicles prohibitedNo entry for vehicular trafficVehicles carrying explosives prohibitedGoods vehicles exceeding a gross weight of 7.5T prohibitedHorse drawn vehicles prohibitedMotor vehicles prohibitedPedestrians prohibitedRidden or accompanied horses prohibitedSolo motor cycles prohibitedTowed caravans prohibitedMotor vehicles except solo motor cycles prohibitedAll vehicles prohibitedAll vehicles prohibited during the time indicated except for accessAll vehicles prohibited except pedal cycles being pushed by pedestriansAll vehicles prohibited from 'Play Street' during the period indicated except for accessBuses and cycles excluded from restriction or prohibition conveyed by associated signVehicles requiring access are exempted from the prohibition conveyed by the associated signGoods vehicles requiring to enter the road for loading or unloading of goods are exempted from the prohibition conveyed by the associated signPriority must be given to vehicles from the opposite directionPriority must be given to vehicles from the opposite directionNo left turn for vehicular trafficNo overtakingNo right turn for vehicular trafficNo U-turns for vehicular trafficVehicles exceeding 32'-6'' in width indicated prohibitedVehicles exceeding 6'-6'' in width indicated prohibitedVehicles exceeding a gross weight of 18T prohibited from crossing the bridge or structureVehicles exceeding a gross weight of 33T prohibited from crossing the bridge or structureVehicles exceeding a gross weight of 7.5T prohibited from crossing the bridge or structureDual carriagewayVehicular traffic passing the sign must keep to the left of the signVehicular traffic must proceed in the direction indicated by the arrowVehicles entering the junction must give way to traffic to vehicles coming from the rightOne-way trafficOne-way trafficVehicular traffic may reach the same destination by passing either side of the signVehicular traffic must proceed in the direction indicated by the arrowVehicular traffic must not go beyond the sign where displayed temporarily by a constable in uniform or by a traffic wardenVehicular traffic must turn ahead in the direction indicated by the arrowVehicular traffic must turn ahead in the direction indicated by the arrowUse of verge maintained in mown or ornamental condition by specified traffic prohibitedLocation of a weight restriction ahead with indication of an alternative route